Sunday, December 21, 2008

Primary Pediatrics

I recently had the chance of visiting a pediatric care center in Macon, GA called Primary Pediatrics.  A friend had recommended a doctor that works there for my children's pediatrician and so I called and made an appointment.  Walking through the door for the first time, you immediately see a very large and beautiful salt water fish tank which I could not pull my kids away from.  As you walk in you can see the names of the doctors on plaques at the main check in desk so there is absolutely no confusion as to where you should go to check in.  You are then pointed to the doctors waiting room as each of them has their own.  Once I found my doctor's waiting room, I wandered around and checked out the others.  I was pleasantly surprised by how nice and spacious the waiting rooms were.  Not to mention the toys and flat screen tv's to keep the kids entertained.  Even the walls are lit up with life as most of them have some sort of mural painted on them.  My wait was minimal and my doctor did not disappoint either.   All in all, my first visit was a very positive one and pretty much ensured that I have found my children's permanent pediatrician.  

They even have a new website up should you have any questions about the practice or want to see pictures of all the doctors.  They even have a flash picture slide show with pictures of the waiting rooms.  You can visit their website here.